Impostor Syndrome is when you feel like you can’t accept your accomplishments. You feel that you don’t deserve the congratulations or acknowledgement over what you achieved because you feel like it was luck. You feel like at any moment someone is going to call you a fraud for what you achieved.
It’s not uncommon for people to feel this way. I know that once I learned what Impostor Syndrome was it clicked with how I have been feeling. I feel that no one should congratulate me or appreciate what I accomplished but at the same time I need that validation. These two emotions are very confusing and can cause me internal conflict.
When I achieve something I appreciate it for a while, someone will congratulate me or validate me and it feels nice at first, and after a while I feel like a fraud and that I need to be more or accomplish more because what I have done isn’t enough.
I think for me personally I can be a little self centered because I keep thinking about myself. I think about what others think of me. I worry that any mistake I do will just wipe out anything I accomplished in their eyes.
Some things that might help you with Impostor Syndrome
1 – Try to accept when people give me compliments or congratulate me on my accomplishments. Try not to overthink it. When I find myself doing this you have to remind myself that you’re enough. You don’t need to be amazing or perfect at something.
2 – Try to be more self accepting of my accomplishments. Try to find things you appreciate in your life. It can be as simple as being able to brush your teeth or cleaning the kitchen. Life is a journey and you should appreciate the good and the bad.
3 – Be open about your emotions because talking about it can be freeing. Creating this blog or blog posts is a way for me to express myself.
4 – Try to remind yourself that trying new things and potentially making mistakes is okay. It’s better to try and make mistakes and improve than to never try at all.
5 – I like encouraging and supporting others in their accomplishments and success. It doesn’t matter how big or small it might seem.
6 – You can reward myself with things I enjoy like watching anime, playing games, listening to audible, etc…
Sometimes I get nervous about being open and honest but I think it’s important that more people talk about their struggles or mental health. I just want you to know that you matter and your feelings are valid. Your accomplishments should be celebrated no matter if it’s big or small.